5 Reasons Why Electric Fencing Is Better Than Barbed Wire Fencing

Protecting your animals from predators is made easier by fencing. You need to make the appropriate decision when it comes to fencing. Fences that do not safeguard your assets should not be a surprise. These advantages of electric fencing might help you make an informed selection.

The charger for an electric fence is usually installed in a dry, safe place. There are ground wires that travel from the charger to live wires that are attached to post. To guarantee that your electric fence fast is working properly, you need a grounding rod Depending on what kind of cattle you have, you can alter the voltage of the fence accordingly.

Maintenance Is Simple

Electric fencing is a low-maintenance option that can last for decades. Electrocution fences are often made of galvanised aluminium or zinc rather than rust-prone barbed wire. It’s a lot more durable than the standard fence wire. This does not absolve you of the responsibility of ensuring that your fence is in good working order. The charger should be kept clean and dry at all times to avoid running out of power.

It’s lightweight and easy to carry about

Continuous grazing of livestock requires fresh, lush grass. The electric fence has many advantages, including the capacity to move and rotate pastures. Wire arrangement can be readily changed whenever a field is ready for a rest period. It’s a good idea to design your layout and set up posts that can be used when you need to change the arrangement of your electric fence system.

It Ensures The Safety Of Animals

Electric fences train animals in a different way than barbed wire fences. You can teach your livestock to avoid an electric fence by smacking them with a shock if they try to cross it. Avoiding shock can be taught to even the most mighty animals. Barbed wire fences, on the other hand, are less effective in protecting thick-skinned animals, such as bulls, from intruders. Electric fences can be boosted to deter even the most tenacious of animals.

It’s better for the animals

A barbed-wire fence is an oxymoron when it comes to protecting your animals. Animals that become entangled in the barbs are at risk of serious injury. A sheep’s fleece can quickly become knotted, making them particularly vulnerable. They are susceptible to lacerations, abrasions, and even death as they try to escape. A horse’s instincts have been known to run at fence lines, especially without the psychological training that electric fencing provides.

It takes a lot less time and money to do

Electric fencing has many advantages, including the fact that it requires fewer parts. Barbed wire is typically heavier than electrical wires. This means that in order to ensure stability, additional posts must be erected at a greater depth in the earth. It’s easy to install electric fencing because you simply need t-posts and Inverse Insulators. Transporting barbed wire is made more difficult and dangerous by its weight.

It goes without saying that electric fence isn’t flawless and that it isn’t suitable for everyone. The type of fencing you utilise can be adjusted to meet your specific needs. Electric tape, netting, and rope are among the alternatives to wire that exist. If you reside in an area where the weather is unusually dry, you may also encounter issues. The dry ground makes electric charge transmission difficult. Fortunately, there are workarounds for this issue, which you may find here.

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